Info on workshop in Christiania:

12.04.13. kl. 15-18. Maria Hera " Ma soer cent tétes!
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum

19.04.13. kl. 15-18. Christine Schörkhuber "The beauty of distorsion"
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum

26.04.13. kl. 15-18. Patrícia J. Reis "Electronics and Arduino introduction"
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum

Please email if interested:
Maria Hera <>

About Mz. Baltazar«s Laboratory

Mz. Baltazars«s Laboratory is a feminist hacker space and a artist collective based in Vienna.

It means in general open source, women only, open access. Non- hierachic teaching and informal learning while subverting capitalistic consume structures with tinkering and empowerment.


Mz Baltazar's Laboratory wants to demystify technology for people socialized as women. In a three days workshop we hack hardware, make noise, build angst-robots and program open source software. We ask a lot of ÒstupidÓ tech questions and develop art projects together. No one is an expert, no one is only student, we share our equipment and knowledge in order to articulate ourselves through high tech in novel ways. Mz Baltazar's Laboratory offers women space to make electronics their own and realize interactive art projects.


Maria Hera "Ma soer cent ttes"

Stencil workshop

Ma soeur cent ttes is a gender-feminist street-art project. Maria Hera collected biographies of women who did interesting things in the past/future, made stencils out of their portraits and sprayed it in public space. Every stencil is basicly provided with a bar- or QR-code witch leads to the wiki- or website of the shown woman.

The sprayed stencils are documented and published on Here one finds a page for every woman with the relevant link and a foto documentation sorted by cities.

The title refers to Max Ernst«s collage-novel ãLa femme cent ttesÒ from 1929.


The workshop ist structured in following way: Depending to posibilities a viewing of the stencils on location or online is intended. Hereby the intention and concept are presented. In the second part the participiants can learn the technic, according to individual intrests, by creating self chosen females or by cutting all ready existing stencils and spray tham.


Christine Schšrkhuber - The beauty of distorsion

visual generation without laptop


This workshop provides features to create visuals without the use of a laptop. In a playfull way the powerfull technical "magic box" is demystified and hacked.

Electric disturbance signals generated by Audio Signals are used to create abstract video landscapes. To open up cables and learn how to modify the signals is a first insight into the operating mode of signal transmission and basic electronics.

Camera and a Videobeamer are connected to a videofeedback loop, but the cable is open and signals coming from a amplified Voice Microphone are fed in. Spoken words affect the video picture immedieately and distort it.

A special focus lies on the Voice of the subject. The Phonem is translated directly to the picture and its visual influence varies depending on consonant and vowal, articulation and intensity. Based on several spoken poetry texts I like to create in experimental Sessions and live performances which deal with the beauty of glitch, the beauty of distorsion.

"Beauty of distorsion" is a glitch art project on the intersection of Video Art, Sound Art and Literature.

Patr’cia J. Reis

Electronics & Arduino Introduction Workshop


:: Arduino Introduction

This workshop aims to introduce the basics of electronics, focusing on what is essential for exploiting the open source Arduino platform and therefore to build things using different kinds of in and out-puts. We propose a relaxed approach and we aim to provide a pleasant environment for exploring, playing with the tools and above all having fun!


About Arduino:

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.



Christine Schšrkhuber

Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts,Vienna, first Painting class with Franz Graf later Video/Videoinstallation class with Dorit Margreiter, graduated with distinction in 2008.

Christine Schšrkhuber is living and working as freelance media artist, filmmaker and musician. She realizes big sound installations in public space as well as video art, and silent noise performances.

The artist is mainly interested in intersections of audio and visual arts, political contents and collaborative working experiences.

Member of the executive committee of the ãIG Kultur …sterreichÒ, the feminist DIYelectronic collective "Mz. Baltazars Laboratory" and part of the network for improvised music snim.

CoFounder of the sound art exhibition "Klangmanifeste"



Patr’cia J. Reis

Patr’cia J. Reis was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1981. She Graduated in Visual Arts from the ESAD (Superior School of Art and Desing, Caldas da Rainha) Portugal, in 2004, and in 2011 presented her masters thesis in the Production and Creation in Technological Art Master program, at the Lus—fona University, Lisbon, Portugal, with the title Inside out: Myself as Diana - Audiovisual participatory Installation. Female representation and its relation between public and private. She's currently a PhD candidate (practice based in Visual Arts) at the University of ƒvora, Portugal, researching on Media Art and Cultural Studies, supervised by Professor Claudia Giannetti. She's a fellow researcher from National Science Technology Foundation of Portugal.

As an artist and researcher, she explores the intimate (Cultural and Political) relations between the subject of vision and image (namely the body, representation and self-representation), through digital apparatus, in photography and, more recently, in video and interactive installations.



Maria Hera

Maria Hera is born in 1978 in Hunedoara-RO. 2002-2007 she studied fine arts at University of Applied Arts and Science Hannover/DE at Prof. Sigrun Jakubaschke und Prof. Bernhard Garbert. 2007-2008 she attended the masterclass of Prof. Bernhardt Garbert. Since 2008 Maria Hera lives and works in Vienna.

Her  artistic work concentrates on collage, installation and space intervention, photo and street art. The collages are huge papers excrescences rampling all over the walls and creates her own synthesis out of the daily barrage of media images to decode the messages they submit to us and turn them into questions rather than answers.